It’s Monday, yeah!
After a relaxing weekend, it can be tough to get going again and sound that excited about Monday. According to a 2023 study by Zety 41 percent of respondents voted Monday as their least favourite day, and 80 percent of respondents said that Monday was more stressful than the other days of the week.
For many event planners, it is probably the last day to finalise preparations for your events taking place mid-week. This can mean increased stress levels. We hope our quick and simple IDEAS technique can help keep your spirits and energy high whilst achieving your goals for the week.
I – Intention
Start your week with intention. What do we mean? Set out a plan of what you want to get done for the week. These are your goals.
D – Determination
Determine and list your goals in order of priority. Not everyday will go to plan but if you prioritise your goals for the week, when you have to rejig your plans, this will ensure that you are still focused on your priorities. Be determined to see your daily plans through but remember that missing your target for the day is a possibility and perfectly okay. Life happens. Try to get back on track.
E- Encourage
Remember to encourage yourself when your days don’t go to plan. Celebrate small wins and reward yourself for completing tasks or challenges faced along the way to achieving your goals. Be grateful for yourself and your accomplishments. Look after your physical health by exercising and eating well. Surround yourself with positive people, they can help you stay motivated and confident when you lose courage.
A – Action
Take action. A plan without action is like being thirsty, grabbing a cup or a glass but not filling it up with water. How are you going to quench that thirst? Break down large tasks into smaller manageable tasks towards achieving your goals. Track your progress daily.
“Action is the fundamental key to all success” – Pablo Picasso
S – Self Reflection
So it's the end of week and you've not achieved all of your goals. It's time for some self-reflection. Reflect on your week and identify areas of improvement. What could you have done better, what would you do differently in terms of managing your time, tasks and decisions you made.
We all lose motivation from time to time, and we can’t predict everything that would happen. Having a plan on how to keep momentum going when we lose motivation or feel deflated is a powerful tool and hopefully one you'll use to keep motivated as you start your week.
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